Sunday, 24 October 2010

My Model Railway

Ok so I have to talk about my model railway for a second. I know that's not what this blog is for but I figured- what the heck.

So my trainset, which is composed partly of Thomas and Friends Trackmaster Rail and half from the Japanese blue Tomy Tomico track and it is now finally got it looking something like my original vision.

The set consists of a parallel parking junction, followed by a rising corner, a steep incline then a 3 tier helix on the left hand side which brings the trains back down to earth again.

My decorations (so far) include:

A menacing half orc, an evil druid, a bunch of trees, The Tardis, a little clay cottage, a D20 dice, a bus stop and a signal.

On my wish list is a red dragon and a diplodocus!

The whole layout

Closeup of Thomas

Evil druid by the Tardis